Sowmith Kunapaneni

๐Ÿ‘‹ Graduate Student in Computer Science at UAB.

  • I work at HARP Lab on Program Analysis and Deductive Databases.
  • Here, I write about whatever I find interesting, things I learn, and things I work on.
  • I am Looking for Internships for Summer 25, If you have any opportunities, I am eager to talk more, here is my Resume
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Souffle Auto Index

Introduction Datalog rules are a bunch of relational queries, each involving of joins over multiple relations. Here is a simple example of a Datalog rule: path(x, y) :- path(x, z), edge(z, y). The above query does Transitive closure over a graph, where path and edge are relations. The query is saying, if there is a path from x to z and there is an edge from z to y, then there is a path from x to y....

June 14, 2024